
EricaEmpowers1Erica’s Empowerment Club Membership Program

Are you ready to stop dreaming your dreams and start living them? How amazing would it be to see the ideas in your head become reality in your life? If that sounds great to you, Erica’s Empowerment Club might be the perfect solution!

4 Week Mastermind Bootcamp

Be Inspired! Vault

Packed with interviews and recaps of Erica’s inspiring messages, workshops and exclusive interviews. You will be able to learn from some of the nation’s top experts, authors and more in the Be Inspired! Vault.

The Daily Vitamin

Start each day with inspiration! You will receive access to daily downloads packed with tips and encouragement to maximize your life and biz.

  Live Masterclasses 

Access to new masterclasses each month.  Get a new training on topics like Goal Setting, Building A Website, Marketing 101 , Graphic Design, Branding, Spiritual Growth and more!

Instant Access to more than 50 exclusive interviews30 Days of Vitamins, mini-classes, and scope replays. 

Membership Investment: Only $27 per month

Ps.You can also cancel at any time 🙂  Your membership is priced low so that money doesn’t stop you from investing in yourself and your dreams!

About EricaEricaLatriceBio

My Mission is to help you!


Yes! that pretty much sums it up. I spent too much time in my own life stressed, depressed and a hot mess!  I soon discovered how great it felt to start living a life of purpose and not just floating around waiting for life to happen to me. Am I perfect? Of course not! Have I been able to help others see results in their lives. Absolutely!

I have spent more than 10 years speaking, teaching and coaching others to realize and live out their potential. From developing workshops, being selected for a national speaker’s bureau, sitting on the Board of Director’s for an amazing non-profit, hosting a tv show that reached more than 17 million households I have been able to see firsthand the power of a vision and the ability to execute it.

I share this because I remember a time when NONE of that seemed possible. I soon discovered that there are simple systems that can help you start living on purpose and reach your goals!

I created the empowerment club to bring make these systems available to you. We are not reinventing the wheel just creating a new way of learning the blueprint 🙂

What people are saying about Erica?


“Thanks to Erica’s strategies both my Facebook group and page grew quickly within just a few days!! Since I had just started my own group I had no idea how to grow my tribe. I was surprised to see the big number of women joining me daily when applying Erica’s great tips! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!”
 testimonialsTashawnaI have been a part of Erica’s 21 DayMakeover Program. Let me just say I saw results the first day. I had over 1000% in increase in traffic on my Facebook, new leads, and have grown my networking circle. She has given me value that will last for a lifetime. The simple yet effective steps and advice that was given to me has allowed me to look at my business in another light. Thank you for clarity!




My personal coaching experience was very helpful in looking at my goals, setting priorities and taking action. After listening to her clients with an attentive ear – giving you her undivided attention, Erica has a way of introducing you to yourself. I really enjoyed discussing my values and vision with someone who genuinely cares. She’s totally refreshing and leaves you feeling equipped to jump into action! Erica offers a nice balance of wisdom and practicality and I’ll recommend life coaching with her to anyone!

~Armeana Street – Speaker

“I would have never thought of making what I love to do into an actual business of my own instead of just working for another event planning company. I already have some clients and they are very pleased with my work so far. Your talent for motivating really helped me to regain my confidence in myself and to trust in the Lord. You are a wonderful friend and I wish you many, many more success stories in your journey. Best of luck with your endeavors!” ~Natalie
“Erica had been telling me forever that I needed to get my business started and how talented I was. I was listening, but not acting on it. Well Erica got tired of me not heeding her advice and acted for me! She asked me a few basic questions and from there she laid out the steps that I needed to take to achieve my dreams. She even mocked up a vision board for me and told me to hang it on my refrigerator so that I could see my goals in front of me in plain sight everyday. She spelled it out in plain English and set short realistic goals that really showed me just how easy it could be if I want it. Erica has truly been blessed with the gifts of encouragement and motivation. She helped me to realize that I was the only one standing in the way of what I’m really passionate about. Now I get so excited when I get one step closer to checking off a goal on my vision board. That just means I am one step closer to my dream and fulfilling the path that God has set for me! Thanks for the push Erica. I know so many women just like me are going to flourish from having you in their life. Even if it’s just one small thing you say to encourage their heart!”


“As a successful business owner with a growing clientele base, I thought I was right on track for success. That is, until I started working with Erica. After the first month of working with Erica, a passion was igniting within me like never before. She is insightful, knowlegeable, encouraging, and completely invested in my success. Erica exudes professionalism, and at the same time she takes a “down to earth” approach that really gives her clients a sense of comfort. As a business owner, my time is extremely limited, but coaching with Erica is one thing that I will always make time for. I have seen first hand what it can do for my business. My session with Erica is something that I look forward to each week. Erica has truly helped my business go from good to beyond great, and we are still reaching new heights. I know for a fact that I could not have achieved this level of success without Erica’s insight and her commitment. I am so thankful for what her coaching program has done for me – I am truly a loyal client.” ~Ashley

